This logo is a bit fuzzy. It is a .jpg file. Do you know where the original is? And your favicon? Send me all the logos you’ve got.

This logo is a bit fuzzy. It is a .jpg file. Do you know where the original is? And your favicon? Send me all the logos you’ve got.


Heading 1: This font is Futura PT, uppercase

This is the way a testimonial will appear on your website. This font is Sorts Mill Goudy Italic. I may change the size depending on the length of the testimonials. It can be aligned center if you prefer.
— Futura PT

Heading 2: This font is Sorts Mill Goudy

Heading 3: This font is Futura PT

Body font: This font is Adobe Garamond Pro. It’s sort of my go-to. Easy to read, doesn’t draw too much attention to itself. This is what links will look like in your body text.